Sun City Center Tennis Association
Board Meeting October 10, 2008
Present: Roger Detrick, Jerry Ash, Marjorie Norris, Linda Smith, Tony Holbrook and Carol Holbrook.
President Roger Detrick called the meeting to order at 4:25 P.M.
The minutes from May 16, 2008 were read by Carol Holbrook and approved.
TreasurerŐs Report: The current TA budget contains a category called ŇGeneral FundsÓ in the amount of $33,522. This fund will tag items to be considered for application beyond the current budget year such as:
Emergency/storm response
Chairs and tables
Possible expansion of the clubhouse
Canopies over the bleachers.
Merle provided an updated budget with an estimated cash balance of $40,400 as of 12/31/09. A check to the Holiday Gift Fund for the CA employees of Sun City Center Christmas Fund, which is $200.00, must be presented prior to December 11, 2008.
Membership Report: A guest sign-in book or sheet may be developed in the future. Margie Norris will look into people willing to give lessons to beginners for one month. Chuck and Norma Tooley and Alice Friedlein have volunteered. Tony reported there are 238 full time members and 11 social members as we continue to add new members. Carol and Tony Holbrook will represent the TA during the November 6 ŇHi NeighborÓ function.
Maintenance Report: Three fans are up and running with good feedback from the members. The CA has been reminded of their share of the funding for the rest of the fans in their 2009 budget. The CA employees installed the new bulletin boards and repaired and repainted the entire area. They should be thanked for doing an outstanding job. The CA has not yet approved the new fences or canopies.
PresidentŐs Report: The Florida Room Kitchen as been completely gutted and will be finished by the end of the month. Linda needs help returning items to the kitchen. The new room for future board meetings during 2009 will be in the CA Maintenance Conference Room. Meetings have been scheduled for January 7, February 4, March 4, April 1, October 7 November 4 and December 2. All meetings have been scheduled on Wednesdays. The Spring Members Meeting/Dinner Dance will be held on February 9, The Picnic will be held on March 8, and the 2009 Fall Members Meeting/Dinner will be on November 13, which is on a Friday. Roger will attend the Florida Room New Chairs open house on October 22 at 11:00 A.M to 3:00 P.M. to accept CA thanks to the TA for funding provided last year. The TA-funded chairs have been placarded accordingly. Linda Smith will go to the October 21 SCC leaders meeting on RogerŐs behalf. The Nominating Committee consists of Dave Kelly (Chairman), Linda Smith, and Chuck & Norma Tooley, and have been making good progress. Dave has been invited to come to the TA Board Meeting on November 5 at 4:15 P.M. in the Pelican Room. Roger Detrick has previously briefed the new committee. Club request forms for 3 canopies totaling $4,500, and windbreaker fences have been submitted to the CA. The ball machines have been fixed, and we now have two functioning machines.
General Business: Jerry Ash reported that the TA Community Network has had very little activity so the project will be dropped due to lack of interest. Jerry reported that arrangements by Nancy Williams and team for the November 22 Fall Fun Day Tournament are going well. Participation in the tournament is $5.00 per person and TA membership is required to play. The Executive Board has decided that all maintenance workers working on that day will be invited to attend the luncheon. The November 15 MemberŐs Meeting will be held at 3:00 P.M. The agenda will include new board nominations, the 2009 budget, the Secretary and TreasurerŐs reports, and a social review including new plans presented by Linda Smith. The Potluck dinner will be held the same day at 6:00 P.M. Jerry is concerned that the meeting and dinner are on a Saturday, and many people will not be able to attend. Roger informed the Board that this was the only date we could get the Florida Room. Carlee Hillman and her husband will be invited to attend as special thanks for her hard work and the many gifts donated to the CA such as windsocks and benches. Margie Norris reported that $500.00 from Fund Fest was donated to the CA Renovation Fund, and we received a nice letter from Don Schings the CA Cooperate Secretary. The TA must determine whether we will continue to do strawberry shortcake next year for the Fun Fest. This issue will be presented at the November 15 Pot Luck Dinner. Jerry Ash will look into a Summer Tennis trip for the TA. A discussion occurred regarding whether CA members should be allowed to play on open courts before 12:00 P.M. This matter will be addressed at the next TA Executive Board Meeting. Roger suggested this be done in the form of a written motion.
The next Executive Board Meeting will be on November 5, 4:15 P. M in the Pelican Room. Roger adjourned the meeting at 6:50 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carol Holbrook