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Sun City Center Tennis Association

Board Meeting May 16, 2008


Present:  Roger Detrick, Jerry Ash, Merle Walters, Marjorie Norris, Tony Holbrook,  Carol Holbrook, and Linda Smith


President Roger Detrick called the meeting to order 4:40 P.M.


The minutes from April 2, 2008 were read and approved.


TreasurerÕs Report:  Merle Walters changed the term ÒUnrestricted CashÓ to ÒGeneral Funds.Ó  Merle will tag items for the General Fund.  He will move $7,500.00 out of checking and into an interest bearing time deposit.  The Tennis Association should be a thousand dollars under the budget of expenditures for the year.  The budget was approved.


Membership Report:  Tony proposes the possibility of a guest sign-in-book to monitor play.  This would be the membership chairmanÕs responsibility.


Maintenance Report:  Tony has had three fans installed.  The remaining fans for courts 1 & 2, and 3 & 4 are the responsibility of the Community Association and should be installed under their 2009 budget.  Tony gave Lynn Reitz the estimate for the installation of new 10Õ fences to enclose the four ends of the courts.  This will allow for windscreens to be installed at the end of the courts.  The estimated cost is $9,800.00, and it is proposed that the TA and CA will share the cost equally.  The TA and CA must approve this proposal.  Three new bulletin boards will be purchased by the TA and installed by the CA at an estimated cost of $265.99 each plus shipping.


PresidentÕs Report:  Roger reported that the Florida Room kitchen rehab is still underway.  Linda will empty the cabinets this summer.  Roger and others attended the SSC Day at the Rays.  Everyone had a good time.  Roger briefed the new Nominating Committee.  Joe is trying to fix the old ball machine.  The other two do not work. Roger informed some KingÕs Point residents of the once-a-month rule.  Roger recommended canopies over the bleachers.  Roger will put out a one page listing of TA volunteers for the November 15 Members Meeting and Pot Luck Dinner. 


General Business:  Elaine DavisÕ idea of getting Joe a birthday cake was implemented by Chet.  $500.00 from the funds Margie and team raised at Funfest was donated to the CA renovation Fund.  Jerry had half a dozen positive responses to his TA Community Network.  He will go forward with the Network.  Jerry will contact Nancy Williams by August about the Fall Fun Day Tournament.  Jerry will attend the September 16 Community Leaders Meeting 9:00 A.M. in the Florida Room.  He will also begin working on future TA trips.  Carol and Tony Holbrook will attend the November 6 Hi Neighbor function.


The next Executive Board Meeting will be Oct 10 at 4:15 at Roger DetrickÕs home.  Roger adjourned the meeting at 6:00 P.M.


                                                                        Respectfully Submitted,


                                                                        Carol Holbrook


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