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Sun City Center Tennis Association

Executive Board Meeting April 2, 2009


Present:  Bruce Chambers, Carol Holbrook, Linda Smith, Don Larsen, Petra Stimmel, and Donna Waikel.  Also present:  Roger Detrick.


President Bruce Chambers called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M.


The minutes from the March 5, 2009 Executive Board Meeting were read by Carol Holbrook and approved.


TreasurerŐs Report:  Don Larsen stated that the funds are in good shape except expenditures for social events.  For 3 more events, we have only $1,978.00.  Also, we lost money on T-shirt sales at Funfest due to factory improperly sized shirts.  They will be available for purchase at the April 4 Funday Tournament.


Membership Report:  Donna Waikel reported that there are no new members, and we still have 228 members.  Donna sent 30 letters to new CA members, but there were no responses.  A new TA member, who was part of the Golf and Racquet Club, asked Donna about playing with Kings Point people.  She was told to inform anyone with those questions that anyone from Kings Point could be a guest once a month, and the TA Rules and Regulations state that TA members must also be CA members.  Donna will leave blank membership forms with Don Larsen and Bruce Chambers.  They will work with Donna regarding new members, since she will be away this summer.


PresidentŐs Report:  Bruce Chambers reported that he found a remote control for the ball machine.  Jack ordered it at a cost of $29.00.  It is weatherproof.  Concerning guest court usage, Bruce will talk to Ed Cantrell regarding Kings Point and CTC court usage times.  The updated, as of April 2, Rules and Regulations for CTC court usage of 3 courts at 9:00 A.M. and 2 courts at 10:30 A.M. on Wednesdays and Saturdays will be posted.  The new ruling on bikes not being ridden within the court area passed unanimously.  Bruce informed the TA Board that this is the last meeting until October.  The TA Board will handle business at it comes up.


Social Report:  Linda Smith reported that the March 8, 2009 Members Social went well.  Many were there, and everyone had a good time.  There are 55 people signed up for the Funday Tournament April 4.  Chuck Tooley and Nancy Williams are in charge of the event.  The next Members Social will be Novembers 13, 2009.


The next meeting of the TA Executive Board will be Thursday October 1, 2009 at 3:00 P.M. in the Maintenance Conference Room.


The meeting was adjourned at 2:31 P.M.


                                                                                                         Respectfully submitted,


                                                                                                         Carol Holbrook


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