Sun City Center Tennis Association
Executive Board Meeting December 3, 2008
Present: Bruce Chambers, Les Easton, Don Larsen, Carol Holbrook, Donna Waikel, Petra Stimmel, and Roger Detrick.
President Bruce Chambers called the meeting to order 4:15 P.M.
The minutes from the November 5, 2008 Executive Board Meeting were read by Carol Holbrook and approved.
TreasurerŐs Report: Don Larsen reported that Merle Walters paid $200.00 to the CA for the Christmas CA staffŐs annual donation from the TA. The TA Board unanimously approved $220.00 for next yearŐs donation. Our share of the $8,000.00 maintenance fee will be paid immediately after January 1st 2009. Roger Detrick was unable to get our previous auditor Jenny Flietner. He gave a list of possible auditors to Bruce.
Membership Report: Donna Waikel reported that we have an additional three members. She gave a tour of the tennis facilities to a prospective member and will get the list of people who will do the orientation each month from Marjorie Norris. Donna will mail the TA dues applications to everyone next week. John Sagraves will once again donate his time and equipment to help with this. Bruce and Don also volunteered to help. Bruce gave Donna a key to the new bulletin board.
Facilities Report: Every four to six years the courts must be resurfaced. This will need to be done in 2011. The TA will reserve $12,500, and the CA will pay the remaining cost. Carol read a statement by Tony Holbrook about the new windbreak fencing. Bay Area Fence Corporation sent the TA a contract to construct the fencing for $9800.00. The TA membership has approved the new fencing for $10,000.00. This leaves $200.00 for windscreens. Bay Area Fencing requires 50 per cent down. The work will be done through the CA, who must approve any architectural change, and they will meet on December 10 to make their decision. The CA will make all payments, and they will send the TA a bill. The Board thanks Tony for his efforts.
General Business: Bruce presented the Agenda. Fun Fest has a vacancy, and Petra Stimmel volunteered to chair this event. The TA decided to do Tee shirts and hats in a unanimous vote rather than strawberry shortcake. During the TA General Meeting a very poor showing of hands wanted to keep the shortcake booth. Linda Smith and Petra Stimmel will co-chair the following events:
February 9th 2009 - ValentineŐs Dinner Dance.
March 8th 2009 - MemberŐs Social
November 13th 2009 – MemberŐs Social.
Carol Holbrook and Donna Waikel will represent the TA during the November 2009 Hi Neighbor. The TA Executive Board voted unanimously to continue the two yearly Fun Day Tournaments. Bruce will confirm off-board liaisons. Roger needs the list of volunteer hours to be documented for the TA. The Board unanimously voted to continue the November Pot Luck Dinner. Bruce met with Anne Marie LaBlanc, who is the CA liaison to all CA clubs, regarding Competitive Tennis Club (CTC) request for court time at 9:00 A.M. on Wednesdays. She was in favor but requested that the TA Executive Board vote on this first. The Board agreed that we need a formal request from the CTC for 9:00 A.M. times. Bruce will speak to Nancy Williams, President of the CTC, and the TA will discuss this proposal at the next meeting. The issue of singles scheduling will be discussed at the next TA Executive Board Meeting which will be January 7th at 4:15 P.M. in the CA Maintenance Room.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Holbrook