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Sun City Center Tennis Association

Executive Board Meeting February 4, 2009


Present: Bruce Chambers, Les Easton, Don Larsen, Carol Holbrook, Linda Smith, Petra Stimmel, and Donna Waikel.


President Bruce Chambers called the meeting to order at 4:15 P.M.


The minutes from the January 7, 2009 Executive Board Meeting were read and approved. 


TreasurerÕs Report:  Don Larsen presented an overview of the TA budget.  We have $39,525.00 estimated cash balance as of January 31, 2009.  Ken McLoone, who said everything looked good, completed an audit.  He also gave some written suggestions to Bruce concerning improvements. 


Membership Report:  Donna Waikel reported that the TA now has 211 members.  Don and Donna will meet to work on a discrepancy in the numbers.  Donna will do another membership mailing on February 16th.  She is continuing to keep the membership list current. 


PresidentÕs Report:  The TA still needs to pay the CA our five-year-maintenance agreement of $8,000.00.  Bruce asked Carol Holbrook about the status of the windbreak screen that still needs to be installed.  Tony Holbrook is checking on the status of the screens with Gene in Maintenance who assures him that it has been ordered.  The fencing has been installed, and the Executive Board wishes to thank Tony Holbrook on a great job coordinating this project.  Carol also reported that Tony is aware of the problems on courts 1 through 4 and has discussed this with Gene and Joe.  Gene has placed a work order for the renovation of the courts.  This renovation must be done early since it requires the removal of the lines and leveling of the courts.  Bruce will address the problems regarding Kings Point using our courts without permission of the TA and the need for wearing proper tennis shoes at the March General MemberÕs Meeting.  A refrigerator, which is not being used and taking up space in the TA court storage area, will be given to Joe Birnbaum. 


Social Report:  Linda Smith reported that there are 83 people signed up for the February 9, 2009 ValentineÕs Dinner Dance, and everything is ready.  The Executive Board previewed the T-shirts that will be sold at Fun Fest by the TA.  Thank you Linda and Petra.   The next event will be the March 8th MemberÕs Social. 


General Business:  Two members of the TA attended the meeting to express concern over the temporary use by the CTC of the courts at 9:00 A.M. on Wednesdays.  They referred to the TA By-Laws Article 3, Section 2 and the Emergency Meeting vote that was held two years ago.  They want the Executive Board to vote on this issue again at the General TA Meeting.  The Executive Board voted to make the CTC Wednesday 9:00 court priority a General Meeting agenda item to be voted upon by the membership.


Linda Smith read a letter that was given to her by Rolande Poulin who is captain of one of the womenÕs leagueÕs team.  A male Sun City Center tennis player offended one of the women playing for the Brandon Swim and Tennis Club.  He used inappropriate language directed towards her about getting the women off the court.  Rolande also sent this letter to the CA.  Bruce Chambers informed the Executive Board that he had already sent a letter to the alleged offender, and a statement denouncing this type of behavior was posted on the TA Bulletin Board.  Carol Holbrook will write a letter of apology on the part of the TA to the captain of the Brandon Swim and Tennis Club signed by the members of the Executive Board.  Everyone agreed that this type of behavior could not be tolerated.  The next TA Executive Board Meeting will be Thursday March 5th at 1:00 P.M. in the Maintenance Conference Room.


The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 P.M.


                                                                                                         Respectfully submitted,


                                                                                                         Carol Holbrook


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