Executive Board Meeting January 7, 2009
Present: Bruce Chambers, Les Easton, Don Larsen, Carol Holbrook, Donna Waikel, and Linda Smith.
President Bruce Chambers called the meeting to order at 4:15 P.M.
The minutes from the December 3rd 2008 Executive Board Meeting were approved.
General Business: The President of the Competitive Tennis Club, hereafter know as the CTC, Nancy Williams explained the purpose and organization of the club. She gave the TA copies of the Level A and Level B team members and schedules. Their league is called A-Lot. Nancy requested three courts at 9:00 A.M. on Wednesday and two courts at 10:30 A.M. There are a total of fifty women on both leagues combined. Nancy described the five-month season and explained that both teams will not play at home on the same day. There will be a total of 13 home games. It was pointed out that during away games these women on the league would not be using the Sun City Center Courts that they would normally be using of Wednesdays. Nancy pointed out that they are the only team in the league that does not presently have a home court at 9:00A.M.on Wednesday. If the CTC has a home court, the majority of the matches will still be played away at other clubs. Two TA members came to the meeting to express their concerns about NancyÕs request and the possible problems that granting this request would cause. After a lengthy discussion, Carol Holbrook made a motion to grant NancyÕs request for Wednesday court times. Before a vote could be taken Bruce Chambers amended the motion. The motion that was ultimately passed, with one dissenting vote by Les Easton, was the following:
The CTC will have temporary priority use of three courts at 9:00 A.M. and two courts at 10:30 A.M. on Wednesdays. The Saturday
CTC court usage will remain at 5 courts at 9:00 A.M. for CTC play.
TreasurerÕs Report: Don Larsen presented the budget. The TA has $15,000.00 in checking and $13,000.00 in a 24-month time deposit. Don ordered a new stamp. Ken McLoone will perform an audit this year. Don gave him the required information. Don paid the CA $4,900.00 for the down payment for the new windbreak fencing. Tony Holbrook will have more information on this process after the holidays. Don reminded the TA members that there are no partial dues until June 30th. Tim Paschalliu is the tennis instructor. He gave the TA $200.00, and the TA will pay him $190.00 as per CA regulations.
Membership Report: Donna Waikel stated that at present the TA has 154 paid members. Donna used Bulk Rate for mailing the membership dues, which was $26.76. John Sagraves will be given $40.00 for his continuing efforts on the mailings. Thank you John!
Social Report: Linda Smith reported that Bryan Ashley will be the entertainment for the February 9, 2009 Valentine Dinner Dance. Laurie and Gerald Dinsdale will be the entertainment for the March 8, 2009 MemberÕs Social. Petra Stimmel will organize Fun Fest on March 21, 2009. Nancy Williams will organize the April 4, 2009 Fun Day Tournament. The November 13th MemberÕs Social 2009 is on a Friday. Carol Holbrook and Donna Waikel will represent the TA at the Hi Neighbor.
PresidentÕs Report: Bruce Chambers purposed that singles players be place on an equal basis one-court time per day with doubles players in the lottery system. This was seconded and quickly passed. The next TA Executive Board Meeting will be Wednesday February 4th in the CA Maintenance Room at 4:15 P.M.
The Meeting was adjourned at 6:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Holbrook