Sun City Center Tennis Association
Executive Board Meeting October 1, 2009
Present: Bruce Chambers, Don Larsen, Linda Smith and Carol Holbrook.
President Bruce Chambers called the meeting to order at 3:05 P.M.
The minutes from the April 2, 2009 Executive Board Meeting were read by Carol Holbrook and approved.
TreasurerŐs Report: Don Larsen stated that we have $29,700 in checking and $13,164 in savings. TA membership dues will continue to be $75.00. We still have $1,700 for social events. We will budget for about 220 tennis members. The windbreak fencing has been paid for at a cost of $10,080. Estimated cash balance as of 12/31/09 is $39,525.
Social Report: November 13, 2009 will be the General Meeting at 3:00 P.M. followed by our next social, which is well underway. Linda Smith will be mailing the information to members soon.
Future Events:
November 5, 2009 Hi Neighbor
November 13, 2009 General TA Members Meeting
followed by the TA Social
November 1, 2009 Fun Day
February 7, 2010 Valentines Day Dance
March 11, 2010 General Meeting
followed by the TA Social
March 2010 Fun Fest
April 2010 Fun Day
PresidentŐs Report: Bruce Chambers and Les Easton will assemble a new Nominating Committee. In November the TA will have to fill 3 TA Executive Board position vacancies. These will be Secretary, Vice President and Social. The continuing issue of Kings Point TA membership will be addressed at the next General Meeting in November.
The next meeting of the TA Executive Board will be November 9, 2009 at 3:00 P.M. in the Maintenance Conference Room.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Holbrook