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EB Meeting-Tennis Association-November 16,  2010


Call to order: 1:30 p.m. by Vice President John Paulus


Additional Board Members present:

Treasurer, Don Larsen; Secretary, Anne Skinner;

Membership, Donna Waikel


Board Members excused:

           Social, Petra Stimmel; President, Bruce Chambers


SecretaryÕs Report:

           The Oct. 18, 2010 minutes were approved.


TreasurerÕs Report:

The board approved the financials provided. Bea Bohm will conduct   the 2010 audit 


Membership Report:

Presently there are 225 tennis members, with one more expected to join this month.  Mailings to new SCC residents resulted in no new members.  The visitorÕs center no longer displays flyers. The new board might want to examine ways to grow membership. Minto will be asked to include tennis in their ads.


Nomination Chairman John PaulusÕ report:


Elaine Davis and Dave Mohl have offered to serve on the future board. Three more additional board members are being sought.


A minimum of five candidates is needed to fill vacant board positions.

Interested members, please contact the chairman or one of the committee members. Nominees may have to be named from the floor at the November 29 general meeting.


2010 Events:

           Fun Day will be held November 20th. Cost: $5.00


General Meeting: November 29th, 4 p.m. Florida Room, followed by potluck and music.  The TA will provide beverages and the meat dish as in the past. A quorum is needed. All members are encouraged to attend to vote on the five board members and the budget.


December 7th, 2010 board and five new 2011 board members will meet at 1:30 in the Caper Room.


2011 Events:

           Valentine Day Event, Florida Room, Saturday, Feb. 12


           General Meeting and Potluck, March 31, Florida Room


           General Meeting and Potluck, November 18, Florida Room


Around the Table


The new board may want to explore additional/substitute social events, such as a trip to a tennis academy for a clinic or a bus to a tennis expo.


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